Welcome to the debut episode of “Into the Nuance: Compassionate, Evidence-Based Pre-Med Advising” and get to know us.
Online Engagement is Crucial to Learning
I believe that most presenters desperately want to interact with their participants… do your best to help them.
3 Things I Learned at MappdCon 2023
Collaboration, Not Competition. This phrase emphasizes the need for pre-health students to work with each other and not against each other.
A Philosophy of Natural and Social Science
Science is much more than Biology, Chemistry, Physics—Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology are of equal importance to the older sciences.
The Importance of Setting SMART Goals
During my life as an educator in K-12, in college, and in the test-prep world, I have found there are two types of goals people set for themselves.
3 Ways to Improve Your Study Sessions
You feel like you are just reading and re-reading the same things over again and not really understanding how you are going to be tested.
5 Ways to Improve Your GRE Vocabulary
Non-native English speakers are at a significant disadvantage. In fact, most native English speakers have never built such an expansive vocabulary.
Career Preparation at Community College
From a very young age, I can remember being asked: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” by relatives, other adults and even some strangers.
The Early Benefits of Community College
A community college is a vibrant place designed to meet the formal and informal educational needs of the members in the community.